Author and psychologist Maria Konnikova suggests a few ways to do this in the video above, using Sherlock Holmes as an example:

After he sets his goals, he goes about observing and collecting data, and asking: okay, how do I answer this question? and What is it about this conversation, about this person, about this situation, whatever it happens to be, that will enable me to gather the data that I will then be able to use to see whether my hypothesis holds up? Then he does this thing that every great scientist does, and I think mediocre scientists probably do not, which is take a step back and learn to look at the data, recombine it, look at different possibility, be imaginative with that data to see, is there anything that I didn’t think of beforehand? Is my mind still open? Do I still know what’s going on? Does this data somehow make me think of new ideas? Think of new approaches? Think of things that I hadn’t thought of in the past?

Writer Scott Berkun shares his own set of questions for thinking critically:

What is the counter argument? Anyone who has seriously considered something will have seen enough facts to fit their current argument as well as alternative position: ask for them… Similarly useful questions include: Who besides you shares this opinion? What are your biggest concerns, and what will you do to address them? What would need to change for you to have a different (opposite) opinion?

Общий ход развития навыка критического мышления


  1. Знайте контекст и идентифицируйте ключевую проблему. На этом этапе важно разбивать проблему на изолированные сегменты, чтобы максимально сузить область поиска возможных неисправностей. Похоже на тестирование отдельных модулей системы, про которые нам рассказывал Нестеров на курсе “Новые технологии” на 1 курсе университета. Т.е. разбивать цепочку на звенья, тестировать их независимо друг от друга.
  2. Проведите свое исследование и задайте нужные вопросы. “Что?” - для поиска недостающей информации, “Почему?” - для тестирования предположений.
  3. Определите собственные предубеждения. Честная самооценка, непредвзятое отношение к ситуации
  4. Определите последствия. Максимально непредвзято.
