
  1. Describe three moments from the holidays that you wish to remember.
  2. What’s one thing that you hope to achieve or accomplish this year?
  3. What is your family’s Christmas story? (Your traditions, your rituals, etc.)
  4. Describe your bedtime ritual.
  5. What are three things that bring you joy in life?
  6. What was the last movie you watched, and did you like it?
  7. Is there any hurt or pain lingering in your heart right now?
  8. What song(s) or tune(s) do you find yourself singing unconsciously?
  9. What do you miss the most about being young(er)?
  10. What’s a good book that you’ve read recently.
  11. Describe a moment from today that you want to remember always.
  12. Who was the last person to make you laugh? What did they do or say?
  13. Describe one recent dream that you’ve had.
  14. Have you ever felt trapped or suffocated?
  15. What is your favourite meal to cook, and why?
  16. When does your family usually take down holiday decorations? Who does it?
  17. What happened today at 10am?
  18. Where were you born? Have you been back there since?
  19. Write down five thing about your mother that you are most grateful for.
  20. What’s your relationship like with with your siblings?
  21. How do you feel about the dark?
  22. When you were little, where was your favourite place to hide?
  23. What is your current go-to outfit, and why?
  24. Describe what dinnertimes were like when you were little?
  25. Is there something that you’d like to change about your life right now?
  26. How do you usually respond to conflict and confrontation?
  27. Who are the people you spend the most time with these days?
  28. How are you feeling today?
  29. What are three things from this past month that have been hard?
  30. What are three things from this past month that you’re happy about?
  31. What is your favourite thing about weekends right now?


  1. Write down your fondest memories to do with a childhood pet.
  2. What has been your most poignant experience with loss?
  3. Describe your first overseas trip and how you felt.
  4. Write down five things about your father that you always want to remember.
  5. How are you feeling about this year?
  6. Where do you want to live when you are old?
  7. What are the qualities that you value in a friend?
  8. What do you remember about falling in love for the first time?
  9. What were you scared of when you were little?
  10. What do you usually do when you feel sad or down?
  11. Describe your childhood home(s).
  12. How do you currently like your coffee?
  13. What is something that you like to do to relax?
  14. What do you most look forward to about growing old?
  15. How has life changed for you in the last year?
  16. Describe a moment from today that you want to remember always.
  17. What are you struggling with the most right now?
  18. What do you see outside your bedroom window?
  19. What is something that frustrates you?
  20. What is family life like right now?
  21. Describe a time when you felt like life was spinning out of control.
  22. What’s something that you’re currently excited about?
  23. What made you laugh today?
  24. What are you watching on television these days?
  25. What are three things from this past month that have been surprising?
  26. What are three things from this past month that you’re thankful for?
  27. How are you feeling today?
  28. What is your favourite thing about Friday nights right now?


  1. What was the last thing you talked about with your mother?
  2. What is your favourite colour, and why?
  3. When was the last time you did something reckless?
  4. What do you love about summer?
  5. What sort of dessert do you like in the evenings?
  6. How would you describe yourself in less than 500 words?
  7. Describe a moment from today that you want to remember always.
  8. What are your favourite drinks?
  9. What do you like to wear to bed?
  10. What do you remember about your primary school days?
  11. Write about three friendships of yours which you know are for life.
  12. Name five people you admire, and discuss why.
  13. Is there anything weighing on your heart right now?
  14. Write about a grandparent with whom you connected.
  15. What do you and your best mates like to do together?
  16. How do you feel when it rains?
  17. Who were some of your childhood heroes?
  18. Write down one family recipe that you will cherish forever.
  19. What do you usually do around three o’clock in the afternoon?
  20. Describe a typical Monday.
  21. What sort of adventures do you dream of going on?
  22. Is there anything about yourself that you want to change?
  23. Write about a recent dream that you’ve had.
  24. Write about your favourite place to eat as a family.
  25. How does your family usually celebrate birthdays?
  26. How do you feel about motherhood?
  27. Write down something funny that’s happened this last week.
  28. What are three things from this past month that have been stressful?
  29. What are three things from this past month that has made you smile?
  30. How are you feeling today?
  31. What is your favourite thing about mornings right now?


  1. What are some things that you’ve bought recently?
  2. What are some things that you’ve made recently?
  3. Write about three friendships which you’ve made online.
  4. What did your family used to do on weekends when you were little?
  5. What makes your heart ache?
  6. How did you get to school when you were little?
  7. What makes you laugh out loud?
  8. Who were your favourite musicians when you were a teenager?
  9. Have you recently argued or disagreed with anyone?
  10. How would you describe your family?
  11. What are you thankful for right now?
  12. Write down everybody in your entire extended family.
  13. If you could only keep ten items of clothing, what would they be?
  14. Describe something that you’ve kept from your childhood.
  15. Who was your first sweetheart?
  16. What is something that you’ve been struggling with this month?
  17. Write down all your hobbies.
  18. What makes you jump out and shout for joy?
  19. Who was your favourite teacher from school?
  20. What did you like to buy from the school canteen?
  21. What are three lessons that you’ve recently learnt?
  22. What is your idea of the perfect evening?
  23. Describe your relationship with your father.
  24. What are two things you would like to change about the world we live in.
  25. What is something that you’re scared or anxious about right now?
  26. Do you feel loved?
  27. What are three things from this past month that have required attention?
  28. What are three things from this past month that has been heartwarming?
  29. How are you feeling today?
  30. What is your favourite thing about Sunday afternoons right now?


  1. Describe a moment from today that you want to remember always.
  2. What are some things that you’ve been given recently?
  3. What is your idea of the perfect morning?
  4. What is your idea of the perfect afternoon?
  5. What songs or music do you listen to in the car?
  6. When was the last time you felt embarrassed? What happened?
  7. Describe your ideal house.
  8. What are your favourite books to read over and over again?
  9. What subjects did you study at school?
  10. What’s the most beautiful gift you’ve ever received?
  11. Would you like to work for yourself ? Why or why not?
  12. If you could live in another country for a year, where would you go and why?
  13. Write a love note for somebody you love.
  14. What happened at 3pm today?
  15. What are the things you love the most about your ethnic background?
  16. What other cultures do you find intriguing?
  17. What are the things you enjoy the most about your work right now?
  18. What sort of jobs have you worked in the past?
  19. How would you like to be remembered?
  20. Do you find it easy to talk to strangers?
  21. What sort of parties do you like to go to?
  22. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  23. Back in your school days, what did you and friends do during lunchtime?
  24. Name your ten favourite blogs.
  25. What was your mother’s childhood like?
  26. What social issues do you feel passionate about?
  27. Where do you retreat to for solitude and quiet?
  28. What are three things from this past month that have energised and motivated you?
  29. What are three things from this past month that have comforted you?
  30. How are you feeling today?
  31. What is your favourite thing about Mondays right now?


  1. Describe a moment from today that you want to remember always.
  2. What sort of outdoor activities do you enjoy?
  3. Write down some of your favourite memories with a grandparent.
  4. What are your hopes for your children?
  5. What are your biggest fears for your children?
  6. Find out five things about a distant relative of yours.
  7. Describe your family’s morning routine right now.
  8. Describe your family’s afternoon routine right now.
  9. Describe your family’s evening routine right now.
  10. Write down five funny things that your child(ren) or your partner has said recently.
  11. How are you going with your goals for this year?
  12. What are your favourite items of clothing to wear when it’s really cold?
  13. What are your favourite soups to drink in winter?
  14. Write down the recipe (no matter how simple) for your go-to comfort food.
  15. How do you feel about speaking in public?
  16. When was the last time you did something risky? Write about it.
  17. What normally happens on a Tuesday?
  18. What were the best and hardest parts about growing up?
  19. What was your father’s childhood like?
  20. What do you usually snack on throughout the day?
  21. Describe your dream garden.
  22. What does it mean to be brave?
  23. If you could have an entire day at home alone, how would you spend it?
  24. Is there an aunty or uncle you have a particularly close relationship with?
  25. What are the five things you love the most about your partner or spouse?
  26. Is there anything that scares you about growing old?
  27. What are three things from this past month that have made you cry?
  28. What are three things from this past month that have made you laugh?
  29. How are you feeling today?
  30. What is your favourite thing about winter/summer right now?


  1. Describe a moment from today that you want to remember always.
  2. What do you love the most about little children?
  3. When was the last time you chatted with a neighbour? What did you talk about?
  4. If you could grow anything you wanted, what would you grow?
  5. When it’s really cold, how do you like to warm up?
  6. What happens on a Wednesday?
  7. What do you usually have for breakfast?
  8. What can you see outside your bedroom window?
  9. Write about three things that you are thankful for right now.
  10. What does unconditional love look like?
  11. What do you think is the hardest thing about being a parent?
  12. When was the last time you cried, and why?
  13. Do you find it easy or hard to make new friends?
  14. Who are the people you always go to when you need someone to talk to?
  15. What are some of your family’s favourite dishes?
  16. What would you say to someone who was grieving?
  17. Describe your ideal holiday.
  18. How do you feel about traveling alone?
  19. What are you feeling stressed or worried about right now?
  20. What is the first thing that you usually do when you wake up?
  21. If you could only keep twenty-five things, what would they be?
  22. When you are gone, what do you want your child(ren) to remember about you?
  23. What do you like to have with pasta?
  24. Whereabouts in the world do you want to grow old?
  25. Write a letter to your parents, and tell them the things you’ve always wanted to say.
  26. Write down your love story.
  27. What are three things from this past month that have made you think twice?
  28. What are three things from this past month that have enriched your life?
  29. How are you feeling today?
  30. What is your favourite thing about Thursday evenings right now?
  31. What are you most looking forward to next month?


  1. Describe a moment from today that you want to remember always.
  2. What are five things that you do every day without fail?
  3. Would you prefer to live by the ocean or up in the mountains? Why?
  4. What games did you play with your siblings when you were growing up?
  5. When was the last time you and your partner went on a date? Write about it.
  6. Do you have any fond memories of camping with your family?
  7. If you had an empty room, what are the ten things you would add to it?
  8. Where’s your favourite place to write?
  9. Do you prefer going to cafes by yourself or with other people?
  10. What are your ten favourite movies, and why?
  11. How do you cope with stress and anxiety?
  12. What do you usually have with toast?
  13. Write about one of your childhood friends.
  14. What are some of the things you tend to do when you procrastinate?
  15. Describe a typical Thursday.
  16. What are three things you are thankful for right now?
  17. Is there anywhere in particular you would like to go with your family?
  18. What currently inspires you?
  19. How did your grandparents make a living?
  20. What is your favourite hour of the day, and why?
  21. How do you comfort your child(re) when they are sad?
  22. Has somebody been kind to you recently?
  23. What happened at 1pm today?
  24. What are some things weighing on your heart right now?
  25. Are there any habits that you would like to develop?
  26. What do you like to snack on in the evenings?
  27. What are three things from this past month that have been challenging?
  28. What are three things from this past month that have uplifted you?
  29. How are you feeling today?
  30. What is your favourite thing about Saturday afternoons right now?
  31. What are you most looking forward to next month?


  1. Describe a moment from today that you want to remember always.
  2. What hopes do you hold for the new season that’s upon us?
  3. What are your favourite flowers and why?
  4. Recount the last conversation you had with a stranger.
  5. What do you always order at your favourite cafe?
  6. What were you doing at 2pm today?
  7. How would you describe your personal style?
  8. What’s on your mind today? Write a list.
  9. Describe (and/or sketch) your dream bag.
  10. How are you going with the goals that you made at the beginning of the year?
  11. Write about a song and why it holds a special place in your heart.
  12. What changes have you made around the home recently?
  13. What (or who) has been of inspiration to you lately?
  14. What condiments can you not cook without?
  15. Write down three of your earliest memories.
  16. Who do you turn to when you need to talk?
  17. What have been your go-to meals during the winter/summer just past?
  18. What are three things you are thankful for right now?
  19. What normally happens on a Friday?
  20. Write about all the projects you currently have on the go.
  21. Find out five new facts about your grandparents and write them down.
  22. What are five (or ten) things you would want your grandchildren to know about you?
  23. What is the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you?
  24. When was the last time your family got together? What did you do and talk about?
  25. Describe something you’ve made in this last month.
  26. What are three things from this past month that have been difficult to process?
  27. What are three things from this past month that have been amusing?
  28. How are you feeling today?
  29. What is your favourite thing about Monday evenings right now?
  30. What are you most looking forward to next month?


  1. Describe a moment from today that you want to remember always.
  2. What sort of school lunches did you have when you were little?
  3. Have you kept in touch with your childhood friends?
  4. When was the last time you and your partner talked? What did you talk about?
  5. What were some of your favourite books to read when you were young?
  6. What does it mean to be strong?
  7. What makes you feel confident?
  8. What are some things that make you feel nervous?
  9. Recount a recent evening that you wish to remember.
  10. What is your favourite season, and why?
  11. What do you hope to achieve by the end of the year?
  12. What’s on your heart right now?
  13. What are some things that you wish to purge from your life?
  14. Do you remember what life was like a year ago today? Describe it.
  15. Describe a typical Saturday for you and your family.
  16. What happened at 8pm today?
  17. Write about five things that made you smile this week.
  18. What are you eating these days?
  19. If you were to dress up for a night out this evening, what would you wear?
  20. What have you been thriving on lately?
  21. Describe something that is beautiful to you.
  22. What is your least favourite time of the day, and why?
  23. How do you feel about recent events happening around the world?
  24. Why is journaling important to you?
  25. What does happiness look like to you?
  26. Describe something you’ve bought in this last month.
  27. What are three things from this past month that have been eye-opening?
  28. What are three things from this past month that have been antagonising?
  29. How are you feeling today?
  30. What is your favourite thing about Tuesday afternoons right now?
  31. What are you most looking forward to next month?


  1. Describe a moment from today that you want to remember always.
  2. Write about darkness.
  3. What are your greatest fears right now?
  4. Who helps to look after you when you are sick?
  5. What have been your favourite television shows this year?
  6. Where do you hope to go for your next holiday or vacation?
  7. How did your family spend Christmas day when you were little?
  8. Describe your ideal date night.
  9. What are some things that you wish to add to your life?
  10. Write about a precious keepsake from your childhood.
  11. What normally happens on a Sunday?
  12. What was your most memorable family holiday when you were child?
  13. What’s the biggest difference that we can make in this world?
  14. What is the best and the worst thing about being human?
  15. Write about your bravest act.
  16. What’s the most important thing you want to teach your children?
  17. What sort of legacy do you wish to leave behind?
  18. What was the best Christmas present you received in your childhood? Describe it.
  19. Write an account of your most recent family gathering.
  20. What happened at 4pm today?
  21. Have you felt hurt recently? Write about it.
  22. What books have you read this year?
  23. Describe a recent conversation that’s been encouraging for you.
  24. What exercise regime(s) have you embarked on this year?
  25. What’s on your heart right now?
  26. What are three things from this past month that have been refreshing?
  27. What are three things from this past month that have been unexpected?
  28. How are you feeling today?
  29. What is your favourite thing about Wednesday mornings right now?
  30. What are you most looking forward to next month?


  1. Describe a moment from today that you want to remember always.
  2. What are five things that you have enjoyed the most about this year?
  3. What were the five hardest things about this year?
  4. Do you feel ready for the holiday season?
  5. Who are the people you will be buying presents for this year?
  6. Write about your family rituals when it comes to Christmas time.
  7. Is there someone you are missing right now?
  8. How will you spend Christmas Eve?
  9. How will you spend Christmas Day?
  10. Write about your favourite childhood Christmas memory.
  11. What are three things you are thankful for right now?
  12. Write about three people who have made a difference in your life this year.
  13. How do you feel about the world events in this last month?
  14. When was the last time you cried, and why?
  15. When was the last time you laughed, and why?
  16. What is the most wonderful gift you could possibly receive?
  17. What does generosity mean to you?
  18. What does Christmas mean to you?
  19. Write a list of all the things you feel you have achieved this year.
  20. What is the funniest thing you’ve read or heard recently?
  21. Write about the things you find hard around this time of the year.
  22. What happened at 10am today?
  23. How are you planning to spend New Year’s Eve?
  24. What are you most looking forward to on New Year’s Day?
  25. What’s on your heart right now?
  26. Write down five things that you want to remember about Christmas day.
  27. What are three things from this past month that have been magical?
  28. What are three things from this past month that have made you feel helpless?
  29. How are you feeling today?
  30. What is your favourite thing about Sunday nights right now?
  31. What excites you the most about next year?