1. Open To Outcome: A Practical Guide For Facilitating & Teaching Experiential Reflection by Micah Jacobson and Mari Ruddy. Маленькая книга богатая идеями. Авторы объясняют последовательность из пяти вопросов, которую можно использовать во многих контекстах.
  2. Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative-thinking Techniques by Michael Michalko Список активностей и инструментов для активизации творческого мышления. На тот случай, когда обычного мозгового штурма не хватает.
  3. Tips & Tools: The Art of Experiential Group Facilitation by Jennifer Stanchfield. Обзор процесса фасилитации с использованием философии “обучения на опыте”.
  4. Gamestorming: A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers by Dave Gray, Sunni Brown, and James Macanufo. 80 “игр” для лучшей коммуникации и рефлексии.
  5. Visual Meetings: How Graphics, Sticky Notes, and Idea Mapping can Transform Group Productivity by David Sibbet. Визуальные заметки и материалы на совещаниях творят чудеса.
  6. Great meetings!: How to facilitate like a pro. Kelsey, D., & Plumb, P. (1997). A good intro.
  7. The Bonfire Collection: A Complete Reference Guide to Facilitation and Change. Briggs, B. (2014).
  8. The Art of Facilitation: How to create group synergy. Hunter, D., Bailey, A., & Taylor, B. (1995). Another good introduction to facilitation.
  9. Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision-Making. Kaner, S., & Lind, L. (1996). One of the books that gives a helpful framework for thinking about meetings and various strategies to serve groups.
  10. The Skilled Facilitator. Schwarz, R. (2002). Here’s the book to read if you want to go deeper.
  11. Making Questions Work: A guide to what and how to ask for facilitators, consultants, managers, coaches, and educators. Strachan, D. (2007). An excellent overview on asking questions, an important skill facilitators bring to groups.
  12. Advanced Facilitation Strategies: Tools & techniques to master difficult situations. Bens, I. (2005). This book looks at specific challenging situations and how to best handle them.
  13. Process Consultation Revisited: Building the helping relationship. Schein, E. H. (1999). How do we best help? This book is less about facilitation and more about understanding the process, which is within the facilitator’s realm.

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